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CCL Can Help Us Reverse Climate Change

The Cittzens Climate Lobby’s, The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act of 2021 can and will help us fix the air we breathe and change for the better, the weather we are altering!

When I looked up the temperature for today, this is what stood out in the forecast; a hazardous weather warning. This extreme and harmful unusual weather is NOT normal. But we CAN change the weather, back to normal.

The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act places a fee on the carbon produced by outdated and inefficient industries. Then gives it back to the consumer as a regular dividend, with the hope that people will upgrade the homes, appliances and modes of transportation to cleaner options. Simular legislation has worked throughout the world. Plus the added benefit many of these solutions have saved people money.

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I Hate Daylight Saving Time! But . . .

If the sun doesn’t have to get up, neither do I. But with strategic placement of a light strip, I have a sunrise. It works, I was all the way down the stairs and heading outside before I realized the sun was NOT up.

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What’s Your Mood?

Dancing Light Array’s Personal Lighting, helps your home change with your mood.

Since each color LED can be controlled individually, you can use a solid color, or . . .
you can use many, many running patterns to liven your mood.

With their USB connector DL Array Personal Lighting strips can light up any little space and make them dance.

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Beware Evil Doers!

DL Array lights do more than dance!

A light sword using a Dancing Light LightStrip!

If you would like to have your own sword/magic wand/cool tube that lights up. You can even make a light staff (white only right now). Contact me and I will help you out!, white Dancing Light Toy in the subject line.

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Lighting That is Your Shape

Lighting where you want it when you want it. Place small light strips flush with existing trim or lay on shelf surface above eye level.

This second image of this room with the pictures and fan is using a 1 meter (~3 ft) light strip that lights 5.5m (12ft) by 7.5m (16ft) room; using 12 watts of power. Total time for instillation less than a hour.

The best part is if I want to tomorrow I can put the light strip on the window and create my own early sunrise.

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Brighten the Room, Gradually

With people spending more time inside, it helps to improve the indoor environment. Changing the lighting as the day progresses, is a good way to start.

Using our Dancing Light Personal Lighting strips in a room brings that feeling of the great outdoors, into the room. Instead of a point source of light creating glares, hot spots and shadows, light strips wash a wall, ceiling or the windows with light. They turn anything, such as a shelf or a cabinet, even sculpture into a light.

So next time you need to light up a room, consider Dancing Light Personal Lighting. If you are unsure about using light strips for the first time contact us and we will help you out; we have an office in Montclair, CA.

We are building up our next group order with our suppliers now, to keep everyone’s costs in line. So contact us and we will add your order to the list.